OT: Fascinating article on Queen Anne (reigned 1702-1714)
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Louis Epstein
2023-12-19 00:45:26 UTC
There is a penchant for some gay historians to portray long dead straight people as gay.
People in same-sex sexual relationships love to portray past persons' close same-sex relationships
as sexual,and people not hewing to the cultural stereotypes of their biological sex love to portray
past such iconoclasts as properly defined outside the "gender" of that biological sex.
Anne's brother-in-law William 3 is an example. There are two letters that exist today in Sarah Churchill's own hand where she describes
Anne's abhorrence for gay lifestyles. Anne was a hot mess for losing all of her children and being queen when she wasn't supposed to be.
Yet the positives of her reign far outweigh the negatives.
I have read that she was utterly besotted with her unfaithful husband,
which a lesbian would not be.

The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.
Keith F. Lynch
2023-12-23 15:55:55 UTC
Post by Louis Epstein
Anne was a hot mess for losing all of her children and being queen
when she wasn't supposed to be. Yet the positives of her reign far
outweigh the negatives.
The Stuarts look good only in comparison with their predecesors, the
"off-with-their-heads" Tudors, and their successors, the Hanovers,
whom the American Revolution was fought against. And of course their
interruptors, the Roundheads, who abolished music, sports, theater,
decorations, and Christmas.
Post by Louis Epstein
I have read that she was utterly besotted with her unfaithful
husband, which a lesbian would not be.
It's interesting when gossip intersects with geography. I live in
Virginia (was Bess really a virgin?), and just over the nearby state
border is Prince George's County, named for Anne's unfaithful husband.
I'd bet that 95% of PG County residents have no idea who their county
is named for.
Keith F. Lynch - http://keithlynch.net/
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