Treason Act charge after Windsor Castle crossbow incident
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2022-08-02 18:02:59 UTC

A man allegedly found with a crossbow in the grounds of Windsor Castle on
Christmas Day has been charged under the Treason Act.

Jaswant Singh Chail, 20, has also been charged with threats to kill and
possession of an offensive weapon.

Mr Chail, from Southampton, is in custody and will appear at Westminster
Magistrates' Court on 17 August.

The charges were brought after an investigation by the Metropolitan
Police's Counter Terrorism Command.

Mr Chail was arrested at about 08:30 GMT on Christmas Day. The Met said he
was stopped "within moments" of entering the grounds and he did not enter
any buildings.

He has been charged with an offence under section 2 of the 1842 Treason
Act, namely "discharging or aiming firearms, or throwing or using any
offensive matter or weapon, with intent to injure or alarm her Majesty",
said Scotland Yard.

The Queen had been staying at Windsor Castle for Christmas, rather than
spending it as usual on her Sandringham estate in Norfolk.

Her Majesty was due to be joined for lunch by the Prince of Wales and the
Duchess of Cornwall, as well as the Earl and Countess of Wessex.

Under the 1842 Treason Act, it is an offence to assault the Queen, or have
a firearm or offensive weapon in her presence with intent to injure or
alarm her or to cause a breach of peace.

In 1981, Marcus Sarjeant was jailed for five years under the section of
the Treason Act after he fired blank shots at the Queen while she was
riding down The Mall in London during the Trooping the Colour parade.
"LOCKDOWN", left-wing COVID fearmongering. 95% of COVID infections
recover with no after effects.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Donald J. Trump, cheated out of a second term by fraudulent "mail-in"
ballots. Report voter fraud: ***@mail.house.gov

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
2022-08-03 13:04:17 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
A man allegedly found with a crossbow in the grounds of Windsor Castle on
Christmas Day has been charged under the Treason Act.
Jaswant Singh Chail, 20, has also been charged with threats to kill and
possession of an offensive weapon.
In the United States Constitution crossbows are called "arms" and there
is a RIGHT to keep and bear them. It's NOT illegal to have a crossbow,
but to be crazy or threaten a person's life... that is something for due
process to "establish" a legal solution for. It seems it all comes
down to the person NOT the arms they possess under their RIGHT to keep
and bear arms.
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Mr Chail, from Southampton, is in custody and will appear at Westminster
Magistrates' Court on 17 August.
The charges were brought after an investigation by the Metropolitan
Police's Counter Terrorism Command.
Mr Chail was arrested at about 08:30 GMT on Christmas Day. The Met said he
was stopped "within moments" of entering the grounds and he did not enter
any buildings.
He has been charged with an offence under section 2 of the 1842 Treason
Act, namely "discharging or aiming firearms, or throwing or using any
offensive matter or weapon, with intent to injure or alarm her Majesty",
said Scotland Yard.
The Queen had been staying at Windsor Castle for Christmas, rather than
spending it as usual on her Sandringham estate in Norfolk.
Her Majesty was due to be joined for lunch by the Prince of Wales and the
Duchess of Cornwall, as well as the Earl and Countess of Wessex.
Under the 1842 Treason Act, it is an offence to assault the Queen, or have
a firearm or offensive weapon in her presence with intent to injure or
alarm her or to cause a breach of peace.
In 1981, Marcus Sarjeant was jailed for five years under the section of
the Treason Act after he fired blank shots at the Queen while she was
riding down The Mall in London during the Trooping the Colour parade.
An obvious mental case that in the United States deserves due process
and then to be put in a mental facility for the criminally insane.
While the State/Federal mental facilities were closed it doesn't mean we
shouldn't lock up the criminals who have been given due process and
convicted of a crime and are mentally ill, and the mentally ill
conviction whereby they are found to be mentally ill come with a
sentence, that is based on their sanity so they may never get out or
they may be released some day like John Hinckley Jr. who shot Reagan was
recently released.

But any way you look at it, it's the mental illness of the person NOT
the arms they keep and bear that are the problem.

The RIGHT TO BE FREE for mentally ill people having been given due
process needs to be removed NOT the RIGHTS of the FREE PEOPLE who are
NOT subjected to due process.

This situation proves that AR-15 and crossbows which are no longer even
weapons of war are also not the reaon for crime but rather like the cars
and light bulbs present and used in crimes, and are just excuses for the
persons committing crime, to shift the real responsibility from them.

And we've see how blaming the inanimate objects has increased crime
rather than lowering crime, because the root problem in crime is the
criminal NOT the car used or the shoes used or the mask used to committ
the crime.
-That's karma-

The result is DEMOCRATS lies about history and reality to themselves and
others means their attempts to figure-out what's wrong is an exercise in
futility, because what they think they know they really don't know, and
fixing problems without the truth... becomes a fools errand.