Post by Donald4564Post by hihgdmPost by Donald4564Prince Alexander has been living in Serbia for quite some time and has indicated his readiness for years now. I doubt whether a restoration will happen. People talk of such things, but nothing is ever done.
Also, I would have thought that Croatia and Slovenia were and would in future be part of a restored Austro-Hungarian monarchy?
Donald Binks
All European countries these days tend to be fiercely nationalistic to some extent or another (Hungary is a good example) so it's hard to imagine a re-constitution of any of the alliances that existed up to a hundred years ago. Apart from that, some of those "alliances" were the result of some of those countries/states being annexed, and no European country in the 21st century would put up with that. The existence of the two largest alliances in the region, the EU and NATO, would tend to discourage such actions. As much as I am a republican, I must admit that those countries that are monarchies tend to be less volatile, but perhaps they have survived as monarchies because they don't have the ethnic divides that exist in regions like the Balkans. Apart from Belgium, which is always on the brink of dissolution.
The exception might be Ukraine, much of which apparently wants to be European, much to Putin's disgust, but his attempts to annex parts of it are being resisted, so they don't count. Putin and his oligarchy won't be around forever, so the wrongs that Putin has perpetrated will be undone. I look at the Crimea as being a temporary illegal occupation rather than an annexation.
On an entirely different topic, and as you are "on the ground", which I am not - given the volatility surrounding the result of the SSM postal vote, how likely is it that Turnbull will face a spill and a new leadership contest, probably next month? For my sake, and the Queen's sake, please tell me that Abbott/Credlin won't be back. But who is the logical successor? Even if that doesn't happen, could Turnbull suffer a vote of no-confidence in the HOR, because of the citizenship debate?
Firstly, Crimea used to be part of Russia, it had only been in Ukraine
for a relatively short time.
It is the Tatars who need to be re-empowered there.
Post by Donald4564But, like everywhere else in Europe, someone just arbitrarily draws a
line on a map and thousands of people have to shift themselves. Because
of this, there are next to no Germans now in East Prussia
What about the Slavic natives for whom it is named,who the
Teutonic Knights went there to forcibly Christianize,before
being made a duchy by Poland on the basis of a promptly-broken
promise to stay Catholic?
Post by Donald4564or Bohemia and Moravia (I prefer the proper names). As to annexations -
why that has been going on for centuries - and is still going on.
Yet somehow Judaea and Samaria are treated as totally different
from Pomerania and Silesia.
Post by Donald4564Again, thousands of people find themselves on the move. What a lot of
people don;t realise is that Germany has now succeeded politically in
dominating Europe - a situation it didn't achieve in two wars.
Are you on Rodney Atkinson's email list?
(Freenations site)
He combines derision of Germany with an unfortunate weakness for Russia.
Post by Donald4564So, you are a socialist? To be so in Oz, you need to be on upwards of
$150,000 a year, live in a mini-mansion in the "right" suburb, drive a
luxury European car, send your children to private schools and drink
expensive wine at elegant wine bars.
I don't think many people in Oz could care less who is going to be the
next Liberal Prime Minister after "do nothing" Turnbull gets his
marching orders. There might be a revolution though if the mad monk
came back - but I don't think that they are that stupid to do that.
So who is a better choice to permanently restore knighthoods and set
the Commonwealth on a convergent rather than divergent course?
Post by Donald4564Probably Foreign Minister Bishop is the one that is likely to get the
guernsey. The Government is on the cards to be swept out of office at
the next election - and we should see Labor in and perhaps many more
minor parties and independents.
How many more of those can Australia stand?
Post by Donald4564It is the Queensland state election this weekend and unfortunately it
looks likely that the dreadful Pauline Hanson's One Nation party will do
well. (No wonder I don't like politics!)
Donald Binks
The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.