donald tick
2003-10-13 11:46:32 UTC
Maybe many of you have heard of the Kingdom of Kongo;one of the
greater in Africa covering N.-Angola and a part of former Zaire.By
coincidence I came on the website of the Angola rebelgroup FNLA,who
gave information,that there are still kings of Kongo.The most recent
info I know,was from ca. 1962 and a statement,that the present
President of Angola was actually because of descent the eligible
person for the Royal title. gave info,that King(Roi/Manikongo)Ne KOngo had
died on 19-11-2000.He was born in Mbanza Kongo and special permission
of Angola government had to be given,that he could be burried in his
birthplace.He was living in FNLA-territory.Between 1962-1975 the Kongo
dynasty was more or less faded away.
The new King of KOngo now is King(Roi/Manikongo)(Jose)Henrique da
Silva Meso Mankala.I hope,the office of FNLA can give more info about
these 2 kings.
King Henrique also lives in FNLA territory.
I hope,this is interesting a bit for all of you.
Yours sincerely:
D.P. Tick/Pusaka.
greater in Africa covering N.-Angola and a part of former Zaire.By
coincidence I came on the website of the Angola rebelgroup FNLA,who
gave information,that there are still kings of Kongo.The most recent
info I know,was from ca. 1962 and a statement,that the present
President of Angola was actually because of descent the eligible
person for the Royal title. gave info,that King(Roi/Manikongo)Ne KOngo had
died on 19-11-2000.He was born in Mbanza Kongo and special permission
of Angola government had to be given,that he could be burried in his
birthplace.He was living in FNLA-territory.Between 1962-1975 the Kongo
dynasty was more or less faded away.
The new King of KOngo now is King(Roi/Manikongo)(Jose)Henrique da
Silva Meso Mankala.I hope,the office of FNLA can give more info about
these 2 kings.
King Henrique also lives in FNLA territory.
I hope,this is interesting a bit for all of you.
Yours sincerely:
D.P. Tick/Pusaka.