Post by The Chief
Not a chance. Snigger...
The Chief
As someone who was alive when the Empire was still being talked about at the breakfast table, I have always found it odd that it was simply allowed to fade away with a barely a whimper. This of course was largely to do with a whole lot of stupid politicians who could only see as far ahead as their nose - and naturally enough, some 60 years later when all that they strove to do to replace it, has fallen in a heap - they are out and about trying to rally everyone round the flag again.
It always seemed to make a lot of sense to me to have Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa in close union as they once were - but politicians on both sides of the camp just allowed things to drift further and further apart until today we are all supposed to be foreign to each other.
There were a lot of things wrong with the Empire - but some of these things are noticeable only in retrospect.Today we have a far different and better view of things, but having said that, there were also a lot of good things in it. The Imperial preferences, tariffs and guaranteed markets were part of that.
I can see no reason why a trading block could not be re-established. It makes sense - something that in today's world is completely lacking. However to re-establish all the links as they once existed as a Britain-centric master in charge of the underlings again is not the way to go about it. I have always maintained that the Commonwealth should be re-invigorated and not left as it is - as a virtual gentleman's club that gets together every few years for a dinner and a few drinks.
Nobody will listen to me of course, and I'll probably be dead by the time anything happens - meanwhile all the politicians will continue walking around in circles trying their hardest to dismantle everything that is in their path.
Donald Binks