2018-05-05 01:14:28 UTC
May 5 marks the 197th anniversary of his death. Because of his
failure, Europe is still a work-in-progress.
Napoleon was viewed with mixed feelings by young and old European
patriots--he had failed to form a European Federation, and had
abandoned republicanism for his imperial ambitions.
The young Giuseppe Cesare Abba was one of the original Thousand who
embarked from Quarto on 5 May 1860. The following is the 5 May entry
from his Diary "Da Quarto al Volturno."
"Strana coincidenza di date! Partiremo stasera. Chi fra quanto siamo
qui non ripensa che oggi è l'anniversario della morte di Napoleone?"
[Strange coincidence of dates! We embark this evening. Who among all
of us here does not remember that today is the anniversary of
Napoleon's death.]
A "Print On Demand" version is at
failure, Europe is still a work-in-progress.
Napoleon was viewed with mixed feelings by young and old European
patriots--he had failed to form a European Federation, and had
abandoned republicanism for his imperial ambitions.
The young Giuseppe Cesare Abba was one of the original Thousand who
embarked from Quarto on 5 May 1860. The following is the 5 May entry
from his Diary "Da Quarto al Volturno."
"Strana coincidenza di date! Partiremo stasera. Chi fra quanto siamo
qui non ripensa che oggi è l'anniversario della morte di Napoleone?"
[Strange coincidence of dates! We embark this evening. Who among all
of us here does not remember that today is the anniversary of
Napoleon's death.]
A "Print On Demand" version is at