Post by c***@hush.aiPost by Donald4564Post by c***@yahoo.comIs the Queen supreme Commander of the armed forces of Canada, Australia, and
the others countries of which she is head of state?
I think that the Governor-General fulfills this role in the ordinary sense
except when Her Majesty is actually in the country herself.
George VI was in United Kingdom through the period 1939-1945.
How far did he function as supreme Commander of armed forces of United
Kingdom and her colonies?
How did Elizabeth II function as supreme Commander of British armed forces in 1982?
In a Constitutional Monarchy, the position of the Sovereign is not to rule but > to reign. The King or Queen have the right to receive briefings and also to
give advice to their Ministers. It is therefore through the Government that
the armed forces receive direction.
Belgium was a constitutional monarchy in 1940. Yet King Leopold III surrendered on 28th of May, overruling Prime Minister Pierlot.
In 1940, it was not an irrelevant matter as to who had the authority to surrender on behalf of British armed forces.