Joke a fellow Brit would enjoy
(too old to reply)
Ed Debevic
2022-09-21 20:03:09 UTC
A Anglican minister, an Iman and a rabbi make a wager; who can stay
with a 300 lbs pig in a sty the longest

The clergyman is the first to go in. After no more than 15 minutes he
comes out spluttering and has terrible diarrhea.

Next it's the turn of the imam. He overcomes his aversion to pigs and
goes into the sty. Minutes pass and it looks like he will do better
than the clergyman, but after no more than half an hour, he comes out
looking green and experiencing projectile vomit.

Now it's the turn of the 'rabbi'. The other two sit down and
watch. Time passes slowly and after 30 minutes they acknowledge that
the 'rabbi' has won the bet.

They wait and wait...after one hour, the pig comes out.
2022-09-21 20:19:57 UTC
Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married gay neo-nazitard, now FORGING as Ed
Debevic, once whined on Usenet:

"This is embarrassing. My fraternity from graduating class of 1980
having our re-union right after Thanksgiving this year. We've booked I
think 194 of us (with wives) on 'Norwegian Cruise Lines" for
7days/6nights in the Caribbean. The problem is my wife. She has added
about 65-70 lbs of unsightly fat on her body and her once cute face
looks like an old catcher's mitt since our college days. I'm embarrassed
to show the old gang that this pig was the best I could do for a wife. I
just know I'll be a laughing stock when this cruise is over. Should i go
with her, leave her home and hire a young sexy escort for the week to
pose as my second wife, or should I just make some excuse and stay home.
Any logical suggestions will be considered."

Loose Sphincter whining in MID: <l1ltsa$pf8$***@speranza.aioe.org>


Why, oh WHY, are ALL you Nazis, ALWAYS, without ANY exception, such LAUGHING
Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe
2022-09-21 21:41:09 UTC
On Wed, 21 Sep 2022 22:19:57 +0200, Foreskin Peeler
<***@valid.invalid> wrote:

<fluhs Grik skata>

Innit anus!

BITCHED to ***@TheWorld.com yet?


2022-09-22 07:33:47 UTC
Is there NO end to your impotent WAILING and HOWLING, you MISERY INCARNATE?

As if we didn't know the answer, eh, you overt sexual cripple? LOL
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"That [referring to the term "consenting adults"] is just an outdated legal
construct. Are you telling me that a 13-year old who spends 15 hours a day
on Facebook is incapable of consent?"
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

So 13-year-olds are your thing, filthy old pedo swine?
Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe
2022-09-22 11:43:56 UTC
On Thu, 22 Sep 2022 09:33:47 +0200, Foreskin Peeler
<***@valid.invalid> wrote:

<fluhs Grik skata>

Innit anus!

2022-09-22 14:25:25 UTC
On Thu, 22 Sep 2022 12:43:56 +0100, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making an ass of herself as "Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe",
Post by Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe
<fluhs Grik skata>
Post by Peeler
Is there NO end to your impotent WAILING and HOWLING, you MISERY INCARNATE?
As if we didn't know the answer, eh, you overt sexual cripple? LOL
Innit anus!
There IS no end to your impotent WAILING and HOWLING, eh, you MISERY
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Paedophiles are still a long way from being widely accepted."
MID: <rlMUE.676067$***@usenetxs.com>

Your kind will NEVER be accepted, in NO part of the world, you filthy old
reject and pedo swine!
Loose Cannon
2022-09-21 21:38:48 UTC
On Wed, 21 Sep 22 20:03:09 UTC, Ed Debevic
Post by Ed Debevic
A Anglican minister, an Iman and a rabbi make a wager; who can stay
with a 300 lbs pig in a sty the longest
The clergyman is the first to go in. After no more than 15 minutes he
comes out spluttering and has terrible diarrhea.
Next it's the turn of the imam. He overcomes his aversion to pigs and
goes into the sty. Minutes pass and it looks like he will do better
than the clergyman, but after no more than half an hour, he comes out
looking green and experiencing projectile vomit.
Now it's the turn of the 'rabbi'. The other two sit down and
watch. Time passes slowly and after 30 minutes they acknowledge that
the 'rabbi' has won the bet.
They wait and wait...after one hour, the pig comes out.


Right on, all counts.

It sure, does.

No doubt, about it.

You got, THAT right!
- jew paedophile shpammer Barry Z. Shein (world.std.com home page)
2022-09-22 07:34:49 UTC
On Wed, 21 Sep 2022 22:38:48 +0100, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
Post by Loose Cannon
Yup, you are INDEED a VERY VERY sick asshole, pedophilic gay Razovic!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"There will always be progressives such as Harriet Harperson who want to
take that extra step forward. Paedophiles are still a long way from
being widely accepted."
MID: <rlMUE.676067$***@usenetxs.com>

Your kind will NEVER be accepted, in NO part of the world, you filthy old
reject and pedo swine!