What the NAACP has brought us
(too old to reply)
2018-01-05 04:28:33 UTC
What do you call 50,000 niggers at the bottom of the ocean? A good

What do you call 4 niggers in a black ‘57 Chevy? A blood vessel.

What did Lincoln say after his 5 day drunk? “I freed who?”

What do you call one white man with five niggers? Coach.

What do you call one white man with ten niggers? Quarterback.

What do you call one white man with fifty niggers? Boss.

What do you call one white man with one thousand niggers? Warden.

What do you call one white man with twenty thousand niggers?
Postmaster General.

What’s the favorite game show in the South? Maim that Coon.

Did you hear about the new breakfast cereal for nigger men? It’s
called “Nuthin’ Bitch”.
The Peeler
2018-01-05 11:27:10 UTC
On Thu, 04 Jan 2018 23:28:33 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
nazi homo, FORGING as NEMO, whined again:

<FLUSH the sick shit's usual sick shit unread again>

Sure looks like the poor gay freak is STILL married to THIS:

"This is embarrassing. My fraternity from graduating class of 1980 is
having our re-union right after Thanksgiving this year. We've booked I
think 194 of us (with wives) on 'Norwegian Cruise Lines" for
7days/6nights in the Caribbean. The problem is my wife. She has added
about 65-70 lbs of unsightly fat on her body and her once cute face
looks like an old catcher's mitt since our college days. I'm embarrassed
to show the old gang that this pig was the best I could do for a wife. I
just know I'll be a laughing stock when this cruise is over. Should i go
with her, leave her home and hire a young sexy escort for the week to
pose as my second wife, or should I just make some excuse and stay home.
Any logical suggestions will be considered."

Loose Sphincter whining in MID: <l1ltsa$pf8$***@speranza.aioe.org>


Why, oh WHY, are ALL you Nazis, ALWAYS, without ANY exception, such LAUGHING
Loose Sphincter about his predilection:
"Foreskins, and only foreskins. That's my life."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
2018-01-05 14:43:14 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>,
FAKE NEMO/Loose Cannon <***@gmx.com> wrote:


You're just angry because your life is shit, because you
never achieved anything and never will, and because you're
married to a fat, ugly, obnoxious PIG whom you hate.



From: [FAKE] Loose Cannon <***@gmx.com>
Message-ID: <l1ltsa$pf8$***@speranza.aioe.org>

This is embarrassing. My fraternity from graduating class of 1980 is
having our re-union right after Thanksgiving this year. We've booked I
think 194 of us (with wives) on 'Norwegian Cruise Lines" for
7days/6nights in the Caribbean. The problem is my wife. She has added
about 65-70 lbs of unsightly fat on her body and her once cute face
looks like an old catcher's mitt since our college days. I'm embarrassed
to show the old gang that this pig was the best I could do for a wife. I
just know I'll be a laughing stock when this cruise is over. Should i go
with her, leave her home and hire a young sexy escort for the week to
pose as my second wife, or should I just make some excuse and stay home.
Any logical suggestions will be considered.

2018-01-06 15:01:18 UTC
What did Lincoln say after his 5 day drunk? “I freed who?”
NAACP throws fit over Trump plans to attend opening of civil rights museum:

NAACP calls National Anthem lyrics racist, anti-black:

NAACP statement on Jerry Jones admits NFL protests are rooted in black
HATRED of police:

NAACP calls for "state of emergency" to close achievement gap in SF schools:

Fly American Airlines!

In 2015 General Mills decided to "get with the program," releasing a
commercial with a interracial couple, their daughter, and a bowl of
Cheerios. The NAACP howled because of their opposition to interracial
adoption ("Those kids are losing touch with their blackness," etc.). They
also bitched about this first biracial child ad, where the stereotypical
"lazy black man" is sacked out on the sofa: https://tinyurl.com/ohj988y