Perhaps following data could be useful for third persons. Wanted: few
historical informations conderning the L, exact dates concerning the son
born 2000, his parents.
Solomon Lionidze (17 -1810), homme d'Etat de la Géorgie, married Š to
I. Aleqsandre Lionidze, son, died single?; married to ???
II. Ivane Lionidze; married Š to Tamar Abashidze (daughter of Ivanes),
Of the family Abachidze. Princely title recognized 1825. Patrick de Gmeline,
Dictionnaire de la Noblesse Russe, Paris 1978, 859.
1. Ivane Lionidze, son, died single?
2. Solomoni Lionidze, son, jurist, died single?
3. Aleqsandre Lionidze, son, general; married to Anastasia Vezirishvili,
daughjter of Ilias.
4. Simoni Lionidze, son; cadet of the St. Petersburgh [Imperial garde;
peterburgshi kadetta korpusshi swavlis dros(wleqit)].
5. Davit Lionidze (1848-1921), son; married Š to Izabel Sigwart (1857
-1939). S, family living in Geneva (2002).
6. Sofio Lionidze, daughter; married Š to prince [tavadi ] Wulukidze (xoni,
region of Georgia).
7. Mariami Lionidze, daughter; married Š to prince [tavadi ] Simon Wereteli
(sacxere, region of Georgia).
Solomon (Bebe) Lionidze (Š 1900 - Zestafoni Š 1972), maried Š to Maria
Gatcetsiladze (Š 1920 - Zestafoni Š 1985).
1. Otari Lionidze (1929-), son; married Š to Neli Marjanishvili (1930-).
1) Solomoni Lionidze (1957-), son; married Š to Nino Abesadze (1962).
(1) Otari Lionidze (1984-), son.
(2) Mariami (Mariko) Lionidze (1985-), daughter.
2. Daviti (1930-), son; married Š to Niura Miqiashvili (1935-).
1) Izabela Lionidze (1955-), daughter; married Š to prince [tavadi ] Koba
Yaralashvili (of the region Kakheti 1940-).
1. Mixeili Yaralashvili (1978-), son.
2) Zurab Lionidze (1965-), son; married Š to Nato Sherazadishvili (1970).
(1) David Lionidze (2000-), son.
3) Nino Lionidze (1967-), daughter; married Š to Gela Maisuradze (1956-).
1. David Maisuradze (1999-), son.
2. Nshorena Maisuradze (2000-), daughter.
3. Lamara Lionidze (Š 1st nov. 1932-), daughter; married Š 1957 prince
[tavadi ] to Raimond (Roman) Ediberidze (bornŠ 19 Jan. 1926?), formerly
prince [tavadi ] of the region Guria under the family name Beridze.
1) Manana Ediberidze (1958-), daughter; married Š to Patta Goliadze (1958-).
1. Givi Goliadze (1997-), son.
2. Natia Goliadze (2000-), daughter.
2. Sofio Ediberidze (1960-), daughter.
3. Maia Ediberidze (1964-), daughter; married Š to David Ilashvili (1962-).
1. Giorgi Ilashvili (1989-), son.
2. Rolandi Ilashvili (1991-), son.
4. Shalva Ediberidze (1967-), son.
5. Ekaterine Ediberidze (Tbilisi 16 Aug. 1968-), daughter, civil seravnt in
the Ministry of Finance [Tbilisi ,Georgia].
4. Suliko Lionidze (1939-1941), son.
5. Natela Lionidze (1940-), daughter; married Š to Leri Kxakxishvili
1. Aleqsandre Xaxishvili (1965-), son.
2. David Xaxishvili (1968-), son; married Š to Xatuna Miqeladze (1972-). Of
the noble family Miqeladze. Of the princely branch? Gmeline, 869.
1) Leri Xaxishvili (1992-), son.
2) Nino Xaxishvili (1998-), daughter.
6. Izabela Lionidze (Š 1942 - Zestafoni Š 1995), daughter.
7. Giorgi Lionidze (1945-), son; married Š to aznauri [one level less than
prince /tavadi] Manana Cqitishvili (1948).
1) Vaxtangi Lionidze (1979-), son.
2) David Lionidze (1988-), son.
3) Izabela Lionidze (1996-), daughter.
8. Aleqsandre Lionidze (1947-), son; married Š to Manana Mawavariani
1) Besarion Lionidze (Bebe; 1979-), son.
2) Natia Lionidze (1980-), daughter.
3) Anna Lionidze (1988-), daughter.
Tavad (from Georgian 'tavi' - head) - a prince, who is the head of a
princely house; one of the highest feudal ranks. "Didebuli aznauri" -
highest group of nobility in the XV c. formed separate class of tavads,
which included also mtavars and eristavs. Tavads were vassals of the King
and were subdivided into three ranks, of which the highest was "didebul".
Junior representatives of the princely house were called 'tavadishvili"
(children of a Tavad"). For this term, see: Stanislaw Dumni [professor,
Heroldmeister to the Imperial House (Hofkalender, German edition of the
princely so-called Gotha, 1905, Heroldsdepartment des Ministerkomitees, p
992: Heroldsmeister, it seems this term is somehow borrowed from Berlin;
Almanach de Gotha, the same but French edition, 1913, Conseil des
minisstres, département héraldique: p 1136: maître héraut), recently
appointed by HIH Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia, first
resurection of the post since 1917, also the Secretary of the Moscow
Assembly of the Nobility, as well as Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Anne]
and Prince Yuri (Georges) Chikovani [current president of the Georgian
Nobility Association], The Noble Houses of the Russian Empire (Dvoryanskie
Rody Rossiiskoe Imperii), tom IV, The Princes of the Kingdom of Georgia
(Knyazya Tsarstva Gruzinskogo), Moscow (Likominvest), 1998. [With the help
of, several messages, different authors]. Book published
only in Russsian language? Price?
5,Ekaterina present (2018) living in Paris. Count Gudenus m.p.