Princess Diana was 'distracted' by Camilla Parker-Bowles on her wedding day...
(too old to reply)
2020-03-03 20:21:44 UTC
....after catching sight of Prince Charles's ex on her way down th
aisle, roya
biographer claim
more a
*Diana was 'focused' on Camilla Parker-Bowles on her wedding day
it's claime
*Sally Bedell Smith claims the royal caught sight of Camilla in th
*Said: 'The one thing she [Diana] is focusing on is the image o
*Claim is aired in a new episode of CNN documentary series Th
Princess Diana was distracted by Camilla Parker-Bowles afte
catching sight o
her on her wedding day, a royal biographer claimed
Speaking on this week's episode of CNN documentary series Th
Windsors, roya
biographer Sally Bedell Smith tells how Diana spotted Charles'
ex-girlfriend a
she walked down the aisle at London's St Paul's Cathedral on 2
July 1981
The American author and historian, who has penned biographies o
Diana, Charle
and the Queen, explains that Diana found herself competing wit
Camilla, even o
that most 'magical' of days
'As Diana walks down the aisle with her father, she sees Camilla,
Bedell Smit
says in a clip shared exclusively with FEMAIL
'There she is, on this magical day, and the one thing she i
focusing on is th
image of Camilla.
The six-part CNN Original Series, which is airing in the US, tell
the story o
the Windsor dynasty, starting with King Edward's ascension to th
throne an
working towards the future of the monarchy
This week's episode, which airs on Sunday night, is titled Love o
Duty, an
focuses on Prince Charles's romance with the then Camilla Shand
the loss of hi
beloved great uncle Lord Mountbatten, and his eventual decision t
marry Diana
The documentary paints a picture of a prince who chooses his brid
out of
sense of duty, despite his lingering feelings for Camilla
'Charles persuaded himself that he could be in love with Diana,
biographer Tina Brown explains in the episode. 'At least enough i
love to ge
The expert commentary is accompanied by stunning footage of th
wedding, as wel
as shots of the crowds who lined the streets of London i
The documentary notes how the British public was swept up in th
grandeur an
the romance of the match between the future king and the beautifu
young societ
beauty, unaware that there was more going on behind the scenes
'[They were] totally in love with this ideal couple,' Dr Edwar
Owens, author o
The Family Firm, says. 'And yet, the public can't see everything.
Sir William Heseltine, former private secretary to the Queen, wa
among thos
who believed Charles had made an excellent choice in his futur
He says: 'I thought, like so many other people, that it was a
ideal match.
don't think anybody would have disagreed with that at the time.
But it is alleged that even on her wedding day, Diana found hersel
with Camilla Parker-Bowles
Sorry - but Charles was a real jerk for letting her b
anywhere near the wedding

This is a response to the post seen at
Louis Epstein
2020-03-03 22:21:56 UTC
....after catching sight of Prince Charles's ex on her way down the
aisle, royal
biographer claims
more at
*Diana was 'focused' on Camilla Parker-Bowles on her wedding day,
it's claimed
*Sally Bedell Smith claims the royal caught sight of Camilla in the
*Said: 'The one thing she [Diana] is focusing on is the image of
*Claim is aired in a new episode of CNN documentary series The
Princess Diana was distracted by Camilla Parker-Bowles after
catching sight on her on her wedding day, a royal biographer claimed.
Speaking on this week's episode of CNN documentary series The
Windsors, royal
biographer Sally Bedell Smith tells how Diana spotted Charles's
ex-girlfriend as
she walked down the aisle at London's St Paul's Cathedral on 29
July 1981.
The American author and historian, who has penned biographies on
Diana, Charles
and the Queen, explains that Diana found herself competing with
Camilla, even on
that most 'magical' of days.
'As Diana walks down the aisle with her father, she sees Camilla,'
Bedell Smith says in a clip shared exclusively with FEMAIL.
'There she is, on this magical day, and the one thing she is
focusing on is the image of Camilla.'
The six-part CNN Original Series, which is airing in the US, tells
the story of
the Windsor dynasty, starting with King Edward's ascension to the
throne and
working towards the future of the monarchy.
Um...which Edward?
Edward VII died in 1910 and didn't use the name "Windsor" taken by
his son in 1917,and Edward VIII was virtually an interim figure
because of his abdication.
This week's episode, which airs on Sunday night, is titled Love or
Duty, and
focuses on Prince Charles's romance with the then Camilla Shand,
the loss of his
beloved great uncle Lord Mountbatten, and his eventual decision to
marry Diana.
The documentary paints a picture of a prince who chooses his bride
out of a
sense of duty, despite his lingering feelings for Camilla.
As someone who was there for the press coverage,Charles had LOTS of
girlfriends through the 1970s...his retrospective decision that
Camilla was "the one" (inconveniently from the experience of being
married to someone else) leads to focus on her now that simply
wasn't there at the time.
'Charles persuaded himself that he could be in love with Diana,'
biographer Tina Brown explains in the episode. 'At least enough in
love to get
The expert commentary is accompanied by stunning footage of the
wedding, as well
as shots of the crowds who lined the streets of London in
The documentary notes how the British public was swept up in the
grandeur and
the romance of the match between the future king and the beautiful
young society
Are there ugly young society beauties?
unaware that there was more going on behind the scenes.
'[They were] totally in love with this ideal couple,' Dr Edward
Owens, author of
The Family Firm, says. 'And yet, the public can't see everything.'
Sir William Heseltine, former private secretary to the Queen, was
among those
who believed Charles had made an excellent choice in his future
He says: 'I thought, like so many other people, that it was an
ideal match. I
don't think anybody would have disagreed with that at the time.'
But it is alleged that even on her wedding day, Diana found herself
with Camilla Parker-Bowles.
Sorry - but Charles was a real jerk for letting her be
anywhere near the wedding.
The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.
