Orders medals and decorations worn by HM the Queen on uniform
(too old to reply)
2018-02-10 10:40:50 UTC
HM the Queen is colonel in chief of each of the Foot Guards regiments, and up until 1986 took part in the Trooping of the Colour in the uniform of the Grenadier Guards with orders medals and decorations,my question is this, when she wore uniform on these occasions, what medals, orders and decorations did she wear? I recognise of course the riband and star of the Order of the Garter, as well as the badge of the Order of the Crown of India, but I was wondering if anyone else could identify the others
2018-02-10 10:52:23 UTC
A photograph of HM wearing the orders and medals she wore on these occasions can be seen here:httpshttps://www.google.co.uk/search?q=the+queen+trooping+the+colour&safe=strict&client=ms-android-alcatel&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjenOWFlZvZAhVHBsAKHWFhBzAQ_AUIESgB&biw=640&bih=280#imgrc=tc6sP_QmY86PGM: (before anyone points it out, yes I know she is wearing the uniform of the Irish Guards in that picture, she would wear the uniform of whichever Foot Guards regiment was taking part in the troop, I was mistake when I stated earlier that she would only wear the uniform of the Grenadier Guards on these occasions)
2018-02-10 10:57:28 UTC
Damn and blast seems I've answered my own question! The medals seem to be:The Defence Medal
- The War Medal 1939-1945
- The King George V Silver Jubilee Medal
- The King George VI Coronation Medal
- The Canadian Forces Decoration (CD)
