My name is Orlando Mark Lobanoff de Rostoff. I looked through
Moncreiffe and "The Chronicle of Danish Kings", counted it up and
discovered that my genealogy has sixty generations in a straight male
line. Am I to understand that my family is the oldest in Europe? Here
is my line of descent: Prince Orlando Mark (born 1954) - Pr Andrey
Lobanoff de Rostoff (born 1917) - Pr Konstantin Lobanov-Rostovsky - Pr
Anatoly L.-R. - Pr Grigory L.-R. (1820-72) - Pr Alexey L.-R.
(1786-1848) - Pr Alexander L.-R. (1754-1830) - Pr Ivan L.-R. (1731-91)
- Pr Ivan L.-R. - Pr Yakov L.-R. (+1732) - boyar Pr Ivan L.-R. (+1664)
- Pr Ivan L.-R. "Goat's Horn" (+1639) - Pr Yury L.-R. - Pr Ivan
Lobanov-Rostovski (+1595) - Pr Ivan Rostovsky "Loban" - Pr Alexander
Rostovsky - Prince Ivan of Rostov - Prince Vladimir of Rostov (+1409)
- Konstantin II of Rostov (+1365; m. daughter of Ivan I of Moscow) -
Vasily II of Rostov (+1316) - Konstantin I of Rostov (1254-1307) -
Boris of Rostov (+1277) - Saint Vasily I of Rostov (murdered
11.03.1238 by Batu-Khan; m. daughter of St. Michael of Chernigov) -
Konstantin of Vladimir (1186-1218) - Vsevolod III of Vladimir and Kiev
(1154-1212) - Yury of Suzdal and Kiev (1090-1157) - Vladimir II
Monomachos of Kiev (1053-1125; m. daughter of King Harold II of
England) - Vsevolod I of Pereyaslavl and Kiev (1030-1093; m. daughter
of Emperor Constantinos IX of Byzantium) - Yaroslav I the Wise of Kiev
(978-1054; m. daughter of Saint Olaf of Sweden) - Vladimir I the Great
of Kiev (948-1015) - Svyatoslav I of Kiev (942-972) - Ingvar of
Novgorod and Kiev (877-946) - Rorik of Dorestad (ca 810 - 879) -
Hemming of Jutland (795-837) - Halfdan of Jutland (+810) - Harald of
Jutland (750-804) - Eysten the Fart of Raumarike - Halfdan "White Leg"
of Uppland (born before 710) - Olaf "The Tree Hewer" of Vermaland
(+sacrificed to Woden 710) - Ingiald "the Wicked" of Sweden - Onund
"Roadmaker" - Ynvar Eystenson - Eysten Adilson - Adils Ottarson -
Ottar Egilson - Egil Onson - On the Old Yorundson - Jorund Yngveson -
Yngve Alricson - Alric Agneson - Agne Dagson - Dag Dygveson - Dygve
Domarson - Domar Domaldson - Domald Visburson - Visbur Vinlandeson -
Vinlande Swegdeson - Swegde Fjolneson - Yngve Njordson - Njord of
Noatun, "1st man to be called king in Swedish tongue". Does any other
family have a longer record? Anybody knows?
I have it on impeccable authority that all Irish families are descended from Adam.
The Chief